The 23-year-old salesman allegedly sneaked into the women’s restroom at his workplace and hid his mobile phone with the video mode on below the cubicles wall.
According to the Filipina, the Indian National is his colleague, the incident occurred at about noon of Aug. 30 at her workplace in Al Satwa.
She told the prosecutor that when she entered the toilet, she saw a mobile phone that was on video mode. She screamed and excited, then waited at the restroom’s main door. She then saw the Indian salesman coming out of the women’s toilet.
The Filipina informed building security, who arrested the salesman. The salesman claimed he had to use the restroom because of a bum stomach, adding there was no one in the cubicle.
The clip was seized and enclosed by the Public Prosecution to the case file as evidence. A verdict is expected on February 1.
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