Filipina domestic helper filed a complaint against her employer who is allegedly doing something malicious behind her back. She had a video as evidence.
According to the 29 year old Filipina, identified as “X”, she was offered money by her employer’s wife in exchange for the deletion of the evidence.
The malicious video was then played in the court room during the trial in line with the indecent assault charges by the Filipina to her employer.
In the video, the defendant identified as “Shek” allegedly started masturbating while “X” is in the kitchen cooking. The woman felt afraid after learning the acts of his employer so she decided to set up a hidden camera. That’s her only evidence against her employer. After quitting her job, she filed a complaint to the police officer.
Shek pleaded not guilty of the four counts of murder Feb. 26 and March 3 of 2014.
X successfully won the judicial review so the trial continues up to date.
Shek pleads for forgiveness and offered HK$ 100, 000 but the Filipina refused everything.
Source EJI