Filipino bags another award at Brooklyn Film Festival which was held in New York last June 3-12. The film is about domestic helpers entitled “Remittance”. The movie won as Outstanding Achievement for screenplay and its lead actress, Angel Barotia, won an award.
The film is about a low-wage domestic helper in Singapore, a commodification of labor, and exportation of mothers. The location was shot with actual domestic helpers, with all the real locations.
On the other hand, the lead actress which was tagged as the Best Actress, is a real domestic helper in Singapore. According to Barotia, she was previously a vegetable vendor in Albay but moved in to Singapore last 2009. She added that as she works in Singapore. She send money regularly to her family in the Philippines. She is not aiming to get rich, she just want happiness. She is also planning to put up a day care center someday.
Barotia also stared in the movie “Rojak”. She also thinks that joining the story “Remittance” will relate to her real-life story and she likes to be part of it.
The filmmaker said that throughout the process, they were able to spend some time in different communities and gathered different relationships that they can share to the entire nation.
Previously, Daly and Fendelman both collaborated in a short film “Needle Through Brick” in (2005), “Daud” in (2009), and “David” in (2011).