Nothing is impossible if you believe you can. Just like this tricycle driver who was able to buy a new motorcycle just for saving coins within 8 months.
Jeffrey Catayas believed that through saving coins, he can buy a new motorcycle for his daily income. The Cebu City resident is a “habal-habal” driver (motorcycle with modified seats). This means of transportation is popular in provinces especially in areas where other transportation (jeepneys and tricycles) cannot go through narrow and rough roads.
According to local news, Catayas started to save P5 and P10 coins since January last year. And just after 8 months, he was able to buy a brand new motorcycle at Honda Center, Cebu. Because of the large number of coins, many employees helped in counting it.
Because of his eagerness to save money and buy a new motorcycle, netizens felt totally amazed that the Facebook post gained a lot of likes and comments.
See it below :
H/T Coolbuster