An overseas Filipino worker (OFW) has exposed a modus operandi of a ticketing … OFW exposes NAIA 100% overpriced ticket scam
A 50-year-old Filipino scheduled to fly to Riyadh was taken into custody at … Pinay supposed to fly to Riyadh to visit her husband in Saudi Arabia arrested over bomb scare
While reading the post of Pilipino Sa Kuwait regarding New Zealand opens 30,000 job opportunities for … To all those Filipinos wanting to come to New Zealand!
A Filipino “journalist” has been receiving criticism for posting a rant about OFWs … PH “journalist” draws ire for FB rant on OFWs
The Philippine Consulate General in Hong Kong has issued a public advisory for … OFWs in HK can be charged up to P6M for indecent social media pics
The Philippine Consulate General in Hong Kong warned Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs) of … Hong Kong Philippine Consulate warns OFWs of fixers
A 28-year-old Indian man and a 25-year-old Filipino woman have been jailed for … Indian-Filipino couple jailed in Dubai for kissing in beach
Certain Virendra Shah sharing his experienced on facebook account that become viral with almost 16k … Awareness on all Airplane Passenger ! How safety your luggage inside the Plane?
John Michael Fabello, an overseas Filipino worker from Qatar lost more than P130,000 … Qatar OFW loses P130K, important papers at NAIA
A wife of an Overseas Filipino Worker (OFW) has been sent to prison … OFW Wife Arrested along with her alleged lover